457 N 80 W, Blackfoot, ID 83221
(208) 785-2850

Market Report, 1-4-2014

Russet Market Report 2014-01-04

The Federal State market news reported shipments of 641,000 for the week ending 12/21/13 and 685,000 for the week ending 12/28/13 and reported the market as:DEMAND BALES MODERATE, OTHERS FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. The tone on the conference call this week indicated good demand on all sizes.

70 count carton Burbanks are at $17.50 and 10# Poly is at $13.00, both stable from last week. The FWA this week is at $14.98, stable from last week, which translates into an approximate return of $7.12*, stable from last week on a Russet Burbank crop that splits 60% one’s 50% Size?

For other area GRIs and additional split scenarios please refer to the email market report you’ll receive Tuesday or go to unitedpotato.com. If you fail to receive the report or United doesn’t have your email address, call the office at 208-535-8500. Thank you for your support.

*Note: We have been reporting the GRI based off of the North American Potato Market News in the past. We are now reporting based off of the United GRI chart on the website. The main difference between them is the NAPMN GRI does not take Freight and Scooping charges into consideration. The United GRI uses an average Freight and Scooping rate of $0.42 per cwt.